Forum Rules:
1. No spamming in any chat.
2. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to make any Racist or Sexist jokes, comments, or remarks.
3. Respect everyone. No matter what custom, creed, or gender.
4. In forums please use your GAME name in register. It makes things easier. If you have your Real name or another name as your Forum Nickname, please change it to your faction name.
In Game Rules:
1. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to make any Racist or Sexist jokes, comments, or remarks.
2. Respect everyone. No matter what custom, creed, or gender.
3. Please try and assist the people who ask for quest assists. If you don't want to, or are incapable at the moment, please don't say no, just don't say anything at all.
4. If your having a problem with someone breaking these rules, contact the leaders (Me and BlueKitty) or one of our senior members.